Čukanoto - Bulgaria

Line dance, arms in W-position. Meter 4/4

Measure Count Step
Part I
1 1-4 Facing center, step on R foot to R, start to bring arms down (1), step on L foot behind R foot, continue to bring arms down (2), step on R foot to R, bring arms down and back (3), step on L foot behind R foot and finish bringing arms back (4), start to bring arms forward and up (&). During this measure the arms come down and behind the hips during counts 1-4. They start going back up on count 4&.
2 1-4 Step on R foot to R, returning arms to W-position (1), stamp L foot next to R foot (2), stamp L foot again, while pumping arms down (still in W-position) (3), hold (4).
3-4 Repeat measures 1-2 with opposite footwork and in opposite direction.
5-8 Repeat measures 1-4.
Part II
1 1-4 Step on R foot slightly to R (1), stamp L foot in place (2), step on L foot slightly to L (3), stamp R foot in place (4). The arms are the same as in Part I measure 1.
2 1-4 Step on R foot slightly to R (1), stamp L foot in place (2), stamp L foot again (3), hold (4). The arms are the same as in Part I, measure 2.
3-4 Repeat measures 1-2 with opposite footwork and in opposite direction.
5-8 Repeat measures 1-4